If you´re in Death Valley you have to take a ride down Badwater Rd and over Jubilee Pass. We started into DV from Beatty. If you haven´t done it already, you can take the Beatty Cutoff Road toward Furnace Creek/Hwy 190. Not far past Furnace Creek is the turn off to Badwater. At 285´ below sea level, Badwater is the lowest point on the continent. At Badwater Basin the road starts a series of giant sweepers, one right after the other. Eventually, it turns east onto 178, Jubilee Pass. This is a great ride with nary a car or a human in sight for 40 miles. Road surface isn´t super smooth but it´s super grippy and plenty good enough. Jubilee terminates in Shoshone at 127 where you can turn north back into DV, exit south to I-15 or hook up to 178 into Pahrump and onto Vegas. There´s gas and food in Furnace Creek and Shoshone.