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New Feature! Trip Builder

Posted on May 25, 2019 by BBR-David
Posted on May 25, 2019 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

I have today (25th May 2019) completed work on what I believe to be a great and useful new feature the 'Custom Trip Builder'

This feature allows you to draw a trip on the map, but this map is overlayed with all the great routes from the BBR database.

Kind donations from sponsors have paid for this feature, so it is only available to site sponsors.

If you would like to take a look at this cool new feature, please see here

Beta Custom Trip Builder

I hope you like it.

If you would like to support more new features, please consider becoming a sponsor.

Many Thanks


Posted on June 16, 2019 by LeighCBR1100XX (Member Score: 0)

Hi David,

Will the new trip builder allow us export/download gpx/itn files to our devices?



Posted on June 16, 2019 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

Hello Leigh,

Yes is the short answer :)

The trip builder works in a very similar way to the add route feature, except with the great enhancement that the map is overlayed with all the great routes from the BBR database.

You create a trip however you want by clicking on the map to create a route, the trip builder does not oblige you to follow the best routes, you can decide for yourself.

Basically I tried to design it in the way that I thought would be most useful and flexible to users.

After the trip is built and saved, it is private to you and a gpx file can be downloaded of the trip to use on your device.

At this time, the feature is only available to site sponsors as google are now charging for map usage and I need more revenue to build this feature out and add more improvements in the future.

I hope you like it.

All the Best


Posted on June 17, 2019 by LeighCBR1100XX (Member Score: 0)

Hi there,

I have just signed up for the trip builder, and have been testing it with my Garmin Zumo 340. Transferring okay via windows explorer, but the device isn't recognising the routes. Usually first thing message when switched on is, 'new routes found, would you like to import'

I have since retried some old routes on the pc, and no problem. What I have noticed is the huge filesize of your saved routes, compared to all others I have (even the MOST complex). They come in at around 2kb whereas the saved one from BBR is 333kb for something with only half a dozen way points. Is this a likely cause, or maybe something else?

Best regards,


Posted on June 17, 2019 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

Hi Leigh.

When i use the files with a garmin device, i normally run the through basecamp first (convert track to route, etc)

Track files are normally much larger than route files


Posted on June 17, 2019 by LeighCBR1100XX (Member Score: 0)

Oh, I see. I was hoping to avoid Basecamp with your new software. Its so unintuitive!

Posted on June 17, 2019 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

Hi there

I know what you mean about basecamp but unfortunately bbr is a one man project so i can't be all things to all men.

I think memory on a tomtom unit might be better as i have used that with bbr gox files. That said, i usually don't create very long trips, i instead break them into smaller parts, so i guess the files are smaller

I hope anyway the planner is useful.


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