Maria to Vèlez Rubio

Star Rating Graphic (5) 14 kms
Nellywelly | Juin 1, 2024 | Europe > Espagne Balades Motos > Andalucia

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Virages Star Rating Graphic (5)
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Points de vueStar Rating Graphic (5)
VisibilitéStar Rating Graphic (5)
SurfaceStar Rating Graphic (5)
DangersStar Rating Graphic (2)
Police Star Rating Graphic (2)


Have your say....
Juin 1, 2024 - Star Rating Graphic

This is a great piece of tarmac. With long sweeping bends with a few tighter bends, perfect road surface. Good visibility for most of it. Never seen police along this road, but that might just be luck..!

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