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Route Planning

Posted on November 19, 2019 by MalPeters
Posted on November 19, 2019 by MalPeters (Member Score: 0)

Trying out the new route planning tool and unfortunately it fails to find a path over key Cols in the Pyrenees such as the Col d'Aubisque, Col de Soulor and Col du Tourmalet ...... just like Google maps that I hate???

Is there anyway around this or am I off to find yet another planning tool??

Thanks in advance

Posted on November 19, 2019 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

Hi Mal

The map tool is built on top of geodirections service provided by Google, then overlayed with all the routes from the bbr database.

As you have seen, a few of the cols are not considered to be connected at either end by the service.

I suggest in these cases that you simply end the trip at the beginning of one col and create a second trip beginning at the end of that col.

When you ride the route you can simply switch to the second route after the problematic col.

Fortunately there are not so many of such cols and presumably google will improve this over time.

I realise that this is not a perfect solution but i hope at.least that you find it workable in such cases.

All the best


Posted on November 19, 2019 by MalPeters (Member Score: 0)

Thanks David, I susopected there was a google influence in there somewhere.
I will do as you say and break that part of the route into seperate parts.



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